02/25/2025 15:42:56
- FAQs
- Version
- Release Note
- Summary Table For The Compatibility Of MSDK Plugins With iOS13
- MSDK integrates SDK's minimum supported version
- MSDK V5-V3 interface comparison table
- Android Target API 31 Upgrade Guide
- How to judge whether the accessed MSDK is MSDKV5 or MSDKV3?
- Version Upgrade Guide
- View MSDK Version Number
- QQ HD Version Stops Update And Maintenance
- Precautions About Upgrading MSDK5.7 Version
- SDK Version Relation Description Table
- Environment Configuration
- Login
- Guidelines on Access to Universal Link Authorized Login
- Some QQ iOS 16 models occasionally have no callback after completing authorization and returning to the game
- Universal Link question self-check recommendation process
- FAQ about how to configure Universal Link in MSDK as well as the method for verifying it
- Simulated Login in the Editor Environment
- The startup Activity is not the main Activity, and the wakeup callback cannot be triggered when the game is launched from a third party
- The login behaviors of various channels are summarized after the device time is modified
- What methods are there to quickly expire WeChat authorization?
- Android Signature Extraction Method
- Permissions can be passed in when Facebook is logged in. Users can inversely choose these permissions. However, when you log in Facebook again, you cannot reversely select them
- Android QQ login error 100044
- iOS WeChat login prompts "WeChat login failed. You cannot use WeChat login because the BundleID information verification failed", as shown in the following diagram
- If QQ login fails, the system will prompt "To log in App with one click, please install the latest mobile phone version of QQ"
- Android 9.0 has login failure and the error like "Cleartext traffic not permitted" appears
- Android 9.0 crashes during login
- Android 8.0 crashes when the screen is rotated
- Summary of FAQ about Apple login
- V3 to V5 Acceptance Checklist
- After launching the Twitter client authorization page, wait for more than ten seconds and then click authorization. After returning to the game, launch the Twitter web login page
- When a player not authenticated with a real name logs in the game, MSDK does not pop up the real name authentication page
- The move to launch the game login from WeChat fails
- Login authentication or sharing error 1105
- iOS QQ login fails and SDK prompts the configuration error
- What is a virtual account
- Judge Universal Link launch verification: see the solution for details
- When I log into the game, the system returns "retcode:20,retMsg: Need real name auth"
- Login returns Error 1104: "Config error, it could be invalid gameid"
- When QQ and WeChat clients have been installed, Android 11 prompts that they not installed
- After logging into WeChat and using Midas' QQ Pay, the accessing party needs to deal with permission issues
- Friends
- Launching the WeChat relationship returns "48001, api unauthorized"
- The Android Q system does not have SD card permission
- After sharing is completed, a click on "Stay in QQ or WeChat" and "Return to 'the Game'" buttons can return different callbacks
- The two players are friends with each other. One of them cannot get the other's information. How to locate the problem?
- After the sharing is successful, App prompts "Return to xxx or stay in WeChat (QQ)", where xxx is where the data is read
- QQ Share prompts that any app which is not properly authorized or is unofficial cannot share messages to QQ
- WeChat Share prompts that BundleID information fails to pass verification and cannot be shared to WeChat
- WeChat fails to share messages but returns a "Success" callback
- The message shared by QQ back-end share interface can be received normally, but the title, summary and thumbnail are inconsistent with the uploaded parameters
- When Android fails to send a large image, an error "Failed to find configured root" will be reported
- QQ ARK sharing prompts "App display failure"
- Universal Link's strong check
- Error Codes
- Event Reporting
- Location
- Account Inconsistency
- Tool
- Backend
- The request backend interface error: "1008 invalid sig!"
- Requesting the backend interface leads to error 1002 "less parm! missing params: xxx"
- Explain and describe some questions about querying openid through the business reception platform
- Games which want to access the IDC machine in the devnet environment need to apply for an access policy
- Audit
- Push
- Group
- Webview
- Android pulls up the webview without response or crashes, and the log has the words RecyclerView
- Common problems related to WebView JS as well as troubleshooting process
- When a webpage is opened in iOS, an empty screen appears
- How to distinguish the embedded webview and the built-in webview?
- After the webpage is opened, the "Return" and "Close" buttons are not displayed and the toolbar cannot be found
- MSDK's built-in browser cannot skip to OPPO system browser
- How to carry the login status when opening the webpage?
- TBS4.3.0.93_43993 internal policy optimization
- Others
- Startup background display problem caused by the front plugin
- FAQ about access to IDFA
- UnrealEngine supports Swift and Objective-C mixed compilation configuration on iOS platform
- [Unity][Android] How to turn off the behavior of APP applying for sensitive permissions once it is started
- Get MSDK's logs
- Email and mobile phone access configuration guide
- Terminology
- Exception Report
- Notice
- Version
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