03/12/2025 13:45:18


Channel Required permissions Optional permissions Use purpose
MSDK 1. Network permissions 2. Location information 1. Network connection
2. Provide LBS location information service to the game; the game can obtain the latitude and longitude as well as the information of nearby players through the interface, so that the player can interact with their surrounding players. If your game does not require the LBS function, you don't need to configure this permission
3. Camera permission 3. You can access the camera in the webpage. If your game doesn't require this function, you don't need to configure this permission
4. User tracking (NSUSERTRACKINGUSAGEScript) 4. Get the IDFA of users of iOS14.5 or higher versions for data analysis and advertising purchase statistics
QQ 1. Network permission 1. Network communication
WeChat - - -
Bugly 1. Network permission 1. Network communication
QIMEI 1. Network permission 1. Network communication
Beacon 1. Network permission 1. Data reporting
TDM 1. User tracking (NSUserTrackingUsageDescription) 1. Get the IDFA of users of iOS14.5 or higher versions for data analysis and advertising purchase statistics
TPNS 1. APNS (Push) 1. Allow the program to use APNS service
2. Network permissions 2. Allow program connection

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All rights reserved.

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