02/25/2025 15:42:56

Query VIP Information

I. Query Personal VIP Information via QQ

1.1 Interface name


1.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] The user's unique identifier
token string [Required] The user's login status
xinyue_upgrade uint [Optional] When this parameter is 1, the new Xinyue rating system will be queried
vip uint [Required] Query type
QQ member: vip & 0x01 != 0;
QQ level: vip & 0x02 != 0;
Blue diamond: vip & 0x04 != 0;
Red diamond: vip & 0x08 != 0;
super member: vip & 0x10 != 0;
Xinyue: vip & 0x40 != 0;
Yellow diamond: vip & 0x80 != 0;
Anime: vip & 0x100 != 0;
Xinyue level (new interface): vip&0x200 != 0;
The above types can be arbitrarily combined (logical AND). If you want to query QQ member and Blue diamond at the same time, (vip & 0x01 != 0) && (vip & 0x04 != 0) is True. (Remarks: Please fill in only relevant flags when requesting the query)

1.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int Return code; 0: correct; others: failed
msg string Detailed description of the return result
lists array flag (int) VIP type identifier;
isvip (int) identifier used to judge the user's VIP status, (0: No; 1: Yes);
year (int) Is the user an annual fee user? (0: No; 1: Yes);
level (int) VIP level;
luxury (int) Is the level the luxury level? (0: No; 1: Yes);

1.4 Request example

  • Request

      curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_vip?channelid=2&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=a7f076ed6c1dc7cde7275fc485799e15' -d '{"openid":"15879468368890148661","token":"935C4F643BC40AC88095429B1F063E07","vip":1}'
  • Response

          "lists": [    
                  "flag": 1,    
                  "isvip": 0,    
                  "level": 0,    
                  "year": 0,    
                  "luxury": 0    
          "ret": 0,    
          "msg": "success"    

II. Query Personal VIP Details via QQ

2.1 Interface name


2.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] The user's unique identifier
token string [Required] The user's login status

2.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int Return code; 0: correct; others: failed
msg string Detailed description of the return result
is_lost int Determine if any data is lost. If App does not use cache, do not need to care about this parameter. 0 or no return: No data is lost and the data can be cached. 1: Some data is missing or incorrect. Do not cache the data.
is_qq_vip int Identifier used to judge whether the user is a QQ member (0: No; 1: Yes)
qq_vip_start int QQ member's last recharge time, standard timestamp
qq_vip_end int QQ member's validity date, standard timestamp
qq_year_vip_start int QQ annual fee member's last recharge time, standard timestamp
qq_year_vip_end int QQ annual fee member's validity date, standard timestamp
qq_svip_start int QQ SVIP's last recharge time, standard timestamp
qq_svip_end int QQ SVIP's validity date, standard timestamp
is_qq_year_vip int Identifier used to judge whether the user is a QQ annual fee member (0: No; 1: Yes)
is_svip int Identifier used to judge whether the user is a QQ super member (0: No; 1: Yes)

2.4 Request example

  • Request

      curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_vip_richinfo?channelid=2&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=969c70e8a56862736bd9018b4e60f00d' -d '{"openid":"15879468368890148661","token":"935C4F643BC40AC88095429B1F063E07"}'
  • Response

          "is_lost": 0,    
          "is_qq_vip": 0,    
          "qq_vip_start": 0,    
          "qq_vip_end": 0,    
          "qq_svip_start": 0,    
          "qq_svip_end": 0,    
          "qq_year_vip_start": 0,    
          "qq_year_vip_end": 0,    
          "is_qq_year_vip": 0,    
          "is_svip": 0,    
          "ret": 0,    
          "msg": "success"    

III. Query Friends' VIP Information via QQ

3.1 Interface name


3.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] The user's unique identifier
token string [Required] The user's login status
fopenids array QQ OpenID list to be queried (you can enter up to 49 IDs at a time)
flags string VIP business query identifier. Currently, support to query QQ member's information: qq_vip, QQ super member: qq_svip. If you need to query multiple VIP business, separate them with ",".
userip string Request IP
pf string The player's login platform; the default value is openmobile; available values include openmobile_android/openmobile_ios/openmobile_wp, etc.; this value comes from the client's QQ login return

3.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int Return code; 0: correct; others: failed
msg string Detailed description of the return result
is_lost int Determine if any data is lost. If App does not use cache, do not need to care about this parameter. 0 or no return: No data is lost and the data can be cached. 1: Some data is missing or incorrect. Do not cache the data.
lists array Include:
openid (string) user ID
is_qq_vip (int) Is the user a QQ member? (0: No; 1: Yes)
qq_vip_level (int) QQ member level (only QQ members return this)
is_qq_year_vip (int) Is the user an annual fee QQ member? (0: No; 1: Yes)
is_qq_svip (int) Is the user a QQ super member? (0: No; 1: Yes)

3.4 Request example

  • Request

      curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_friends_vip?channelid=2&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=b10b0e284b86d311644c47099be30599' -d '{"openid":"15879468368890148661","fopenids":["B171547BCC30FCBC1A9B03744F1A8522"],"token":"935C4F643BC40AC88095429B1F063E07","userip":"","flags":"qq_vip","pf":"openmobile"}'
  • Response

          "lists": [    
                  "is_qq_svip": 0,    
                  "is_qq_vip": 0,    
                  "is_qq_year_vip": 0,    
                  "openid": "4724195171999796436",    
                  "qq_vip_level": 0    
          "is_lost": 0,    
          "ret": 0,    
          "msg": "success"    

IV. Query WeChat Xinyue

4.1 Interface name


4.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] The user's unique identifier
token string [Required] The user's login status
xinyue_upgrade uint [Optional] When this parameter is 1, the new Xinyue rating system will be queried
serial string Serial number, which is suggested to be "The game's abbreviation_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_xxxxxx (6 random numbers)"
seven_flag int When the value is 1, return Level 7 Xinyue vip member information:
1: gamer G1
2: gamer G2
3: gamer G3
4: gamer G4
5: Xinyue vip1
6: Xinyue vip2
7: Xinyue vip3

When the value is other values, return Level 3 vip member information
1 - Xinyue vip1
2 - Xinyue vip2
3 - Xinyue vip3

When xinyue_upgrade = 1, this field will be ignored and the new version of Xinyue VIP member information will be returned:
2:gamer Pro

4.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int Return code; 0: correct; others: failed
msg string Detailed description of the return result
ilevel int Xinyue level; if the user is not a Xinyue user, return 0; as for level, please refer to the description of the corresponding input parameter seven_flag
serial string Request string, which is transmitted transparently

4.4 Request example

  • Request

      curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_wx_xinyue_vip?channelid=1&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=328e57c815b42074eac6698242a73cff' -d '{"openid":"3505996091832136773","token":"19_vgqLvxoe27KoVPavWDb6zFKHoMxcEra5x6LEx77GE-QqJafWnQZ05cUB8tZ_SJr6uK-d9g-pUk9yYoK24R1fa-JNTYnUpbCRctcnWnfHKTw","serial":"adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf","seven_flag":1}'
  • Response

          "ilevel": 1,    
          "serial": "adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf\n",    
          "ret": 0,    
          "msg": "success"    
  • Request

      curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_wx_xinyue_vip?channelid=1&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=83ffc6476f3929381875ab5e790dd618' -d '{"openid":"3505996091832136773","token":"19_vgqLvxoe27KoVPavWDb6zFKHoMxcEra5x6LEx77GE-QqJafWnQZ05cUB8tZ_SJr6uK-d9g-pUk9yYoK24R1fa-JNTYnUpbCRctcnWnfHKTw","serial":"adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf","seven_flag":0}'
  • Response

          "ilevel": 0,    
          "serial": "adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf\n",    
          "ret": 0,    
          "msg": "success"    

V. QQ queries QQ mobile game's nobility level

Note: Before invoking the interface, the game needs to send an email to apply for an openkey. Please contact MSDK Assistant to obtain the email template, and then go to Feiying console-My game-Game details page-Login Information-QQ-Query mobile game's nobility level to fill in openkey.

5.1 Interface name


5.2 Request parameters

parameter type description
openid string [Required] user's unique identifier
token string [Required] user's login status

5.3 Return parameters

parameter type description
ret int return code 0: success; other: failure
msg string return result's detailed description
level int user level
score int user's score

5.4 Request example

  • Request

      curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_vip_level?channelid=2&conn=&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1571727463&version=2.0&sig=f6677d758da5fd9349739e58c135d9af' -d '{"token":"D46EF700A328F58231FF69045A54C91D","openid":"15879468368890148661"}'
  • Response

          "level": 0,
          "score": 0,
          "ret": 0,
          "msg": "success",
          "seq": "1571728267-0268717065-026004-0000000806"

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