02/25/2025 15:42:56
Query VIP Information
I. Query Personal VIP Information via QQ
1.1 Interface name
1.2 Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
openid | string | [Required] The user's unique identifier |
token | string | [Required] The user's login status |
xinyue_upgrade | uint | [Optional] When this parameter is 1, the new Xinyue rating system will be queried |
vip | uint | [Required] Query type QQ member: vip & 0x01 != 0; QQ level: vip & 0x02 != 0; Blue diamond: vip & 0x04 != 0; Red diamond: vip & 0x08 != 0; super member: vip & 0x10 != 0; Xinyue: vip & 0x40 != 0; Yellow diamond: vip & 0x80 != 0; Anime: vip & 0x100 != 0; Xinyue level (new interface): vip&0x200 != 0; The above types can be arbitrarily combined (logical AND). If you want to query QQ member and Blue diamond at the same time, (vip & 0x01 != 0) && (vip & 0x04 != 0) is True. (Remarks: Please fill in only relevant flags when requesting the query) |
1.3 Return parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ret | int | Return code; 0: correct; others: failed |
msg | string | Detailed description of the return result |
lists | array | flag (int) VIP type identifier; isvip (int) identifier used to judge the user's VIP status, (0: No; 1: Yes); year (int) Is the user an annual fee user? (0: No; 1: Yes); level (int) VIP level; luxury (int) Is the level the luxury level? (0: No; 1: Yes); |
1.4 Request example
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_vip?channelid=2&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=a7f076ed6c1dc7cde7275fc485799e15' -d '{"openid":"15879468368890148661","token":"935C4F643BC40AC88095429B1F063E07","vip":1}'
{ "lists": [ { "flag": 1, "isvip": 0, "level": 0, "year": 0, "luxury": 0 } ], "ret": 0, "msg": "success" }
II. Query Personal VIP Details via QQ
2.1 Interface name
2.2 Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
openid | string | [Required] The user's unique identifier |
token | string | [Required] The user's login status |
2.3 Return parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ret | int | Return code; 0: correct; others: failed |
msg | string | Detailed description of the return result |
is_lost | int | Determine if any data is lost. If App does not use cache, do not need to care about this parameter. 0 or no return: No data is lost and the data can be cached. 1: Some data is missing or incorrect. Do not cache the data. |
is_qq_vip | int | Identifier used to judge whether the user is a QQ member (0: No; 1: Yes) |
qq_vip_start | int | QQ member's last recharge time, standard timestamp |
qq_vip_end | int | QQ member's validity date, standard timestamp |
qq_year_vip_start | int | QQ annual fee member's last recharge time, standard timestamp |
qq_year_vip_end | int | QQ annual fee member's validity date, standard timestamp |
qq_svip_start | int | QQ SVIP's last recharge time, standard timestamp |
qq_svip_end | int | QQ SVIP's validity date, standard timestamp |
is_qq_year_vip | int | Identifier used to judge whether the user is a QQ annual fee member (0: No; 1: Yes) |
is_svip | int | Identifier used to judge whether the user is a QQ super member (0: No; 1: Yes) |
2.4 Request example
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_vip_richinfo?channelid=2&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=969c70e8a56862736bd9018b4e60f00d' -d '{"openid":"15879468368890148661","token":"935C4F643BC40AC88095429B1F063E07"}'
{ "is_lost": 0, "is_qq_vip": 0, "qq_vip_start": 0, "qq_vip_end": 0, "qq_svip_start": 0, "qq_svip_end": 0, "qq_year_vip_start": 0, "qq_year_vip_end": 0, "is_qq_year_vip": 0, "is_svip": 0, "ret": 0, "msg": "success" }
III. Query Friends' VIP Information via QQ
3.1 Interface name
3.2 Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
openid | string | [Required] The user's unique identifier |
token | string | [Required] The user's login status |
fopenids | array | QQ OpenID list to be queried (you can enter up to 49 IDs at a time) |
flags | string | VIP business query identifier. Currently, support to query QQ member's information: qq_vip, QQ super member: qq_svip. If you need to query multiple VIP business, separate them with ",". |
userip | string | Request IP |
pf | string | The player's login platform; the default value is openmobile; available values include openmobile_android/openmobile_ios/openmobile_wp, etc.; this value comes from the client's QQ login return |
3.3 Return parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ret | int | Return code; 0: correct; others: failed |
msg | string | Detailed description of the return result |
is_lost | int | Determine if any data is lost. If App does not use cache, do not need to care about this parameter. 0 or no return: No data is lost and the data can be cached. 1: Some data is missing or incorrect. Do not cache the data. |
lists | array | Include: openid (string) user ID is_qq_vip (int) Is the user a QQ member? (0: No; 1: Yes) qq_vip_level (int) QQ member level (only QQ members return this) is_qq_year_vip (int) Is the user an annual fee QQ member? (0: No; 1: Yes) is_qq_svip (int) Is the user a QQ super member? (0: No; 1: Yes) |
3.4 Request example
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_friends_vip?channelid=2&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=b10b0e284b86d311644c47099be30599' -d '{"openid":"15879468368890148661","fopenids":["B171547BCC30FCBC1A9B03744F1A8522"],"token":"935C4F643BC40AC88095429B1F063E07","userip":"","flags":"qq_vip","pf":"openmobile"}'
{ "lists": [ { "is_qq_svip": 0, "is_qq_vip": 0, "is_qq_year_vip": 0, "openid": "4724195171999796436", "qq_vip_level": 0 } ], "is_lost": 0, "ret": 0, "msg": "success" }
IV. Query WeChat Xinyue
4.1 Interface name
4.2 Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
openid | string | [Required] The user's unique identifier |
token | string | [Required] The user's login status |
xinyue_upgrade | uint | [Optional] When this parameter is 1, the new Xinyue rating system will be queried |
serial | string | Serial number, which is suggested to be "The game's abbreviation_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_xxxxxx (6 random numbers)" |
seven_flag | int | When the value is 1, return Level 7 Xinyue vip member information: 1: gamer G1 2: gamer G2 3: gamer G3 4: gamer G4 5: Xinyue vip1 6: Xinyue vip2 7: Xinyue vip3 When the value is other values, return Level 3 vip member information 1 - Xinyue vip1 2 - Xinyue vip2 3 - Xinyue vip3 When xinyue_upgrade = 1, this field will be ignored and the new version of Xinyue VIP member information will be returned: 1:gamer 2:gamer Pro 3:V1 4:V2 5:V3 6:V4 7:V5 |
4.3 Return parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ret | int | Return code; 0: correct; others: failed |
msg | string | Detailed description of the return result |
ilevel | int | Xinyue level; if the user is not a Xinyue user, return 0; as for level, please refer to the description of the corresponding input parameter seven_flag |
serial | string | Request string, which is transmitted transparently |
4.4 Request example
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_wx_xinyue_vip?channelid=1&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=328e57c815b42074eac6698242a73cff' -d '{"openid":"3505996091832136773","token":"19_vgqLvxoe27KoVPavWDb6zFKHoMxcEra5x6LEx77GE-QqJafWnQZ05cUB8tZ_SJr6uK-d9g-pUk9yYoK24R1fa-JNTYnUpbCRctcnWnfHKTw","serial":"adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf","seven_flag":1}'
{ "ilevel": 1, "serial": "adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf\n", "ret": 0, "msg": "success" }
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_wx_xinyue_vip?channelid=1&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1552801460&version=2.0&sig=83ffc6476f3929381875ab5e790dd618' -d '{"openid":"3505996091832136773","token":"19_vgqLvxoe27KoVPavWDb6zFKHoMxcEra5x6LEx77GE-QqJafWnQZ05cUB8tZ_SJr6uK-d9g-pUk9yYoK24R1fa-JNTYnUpbCRctcnWnfHKTw","serial":"adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf","seven_flag":0}'
{ "ilevel": 0, "serial": "adsfasdfadsfsefewdsf\n", "ret": 0, "msg": "success" }
V. QQ queries QQ mobile game's nobility level
Note: Before invoking the interface, the game needs to send an email to apply for an openkey
. Please contact MSDK Assistant to obtain the email template, and then go to Feiying console-My game-Game details page-Login Information-QQ-Query mobile game's nobility level to fill in openkey.
5.1 Interface name
5.2 Request parameters
parameter | type | description |
openid | string | [Required] user's unique identifier |
token | string | [Required] user's login status |
5.3 Return parameters
parameter | type | description |
ret | int | return code 0: success; other: failure |
msg | string | return result's detailed description |
level | int | user level |
score | int | user's score |
5.4 Request example
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/query_qq_vip_level?channelid=2&conn=&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1571727463&version=2.0&sig=f6677d758da5fd9349739e58c135d9af' -d '{"token":"D46EF700A328F58231FF69045A54C91D","openid":"15879468368890148661"}'
{ "level": 0, "score": 0, "ret": 0, "msg": "success", "seq": "1571728267-0268717065-026004-0000000806" }
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