02/25/2025 15:42:56
Client interfaces
Channel | Module | Interface Name | V5 Interface | V3 Interface | Remarks |
Login | Authorized login | MSDKLogin::Login() | WGLogin(); | ||
Login | Code-scanning login | MSDKLogin::Login(); | WGQrCodeLogin(); | In V5 version, {"QRCode":true} needs to be passed into extraJson |
Friend | Query personal information | MSDKLogin::QueryUserInfo(); | WGQueryWXMyInfo(); | ||
Friend | Query in-game friends' information | V5 version does not provide any client interface for querying in-game friends' information |
WGQueryWXGameFriendsInfo(); | V5 does not provide any client interface, but queries in-game friends' information directly through MSDK's backend interface /v2/friend/friend_list |
Share | Structured sharing | MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); | WGSendToWeixin(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeInvite(10003) |
Share | miniApp sharing | MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); | WGSendToWXWithMiniApp(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeMiniApp(10006) |
Share | Invoke miniApp | MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); | WGLaunchMiniApp(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypePullUpMiniApp(10007) |
Share | Invoke WeChat business and share it to WeChat Games (funny) | MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); | WGSendToWXWithOpenBusinessView(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeOpenBusinessView(10009) |
Share | Send the message to WeChat state | MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); | WGSendToWXStateWithPhoto(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeWXStatePhoto(10013) |
Share | Share the message to WeChat GameLine | MSDKFriend.Share(); | WGShareToWXGameline(); | ||
Share | Share the message to WeChat state | MSDKFriend.Share(); | WGSendToWXStateWithPhoto(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeWXStatePhoto(10013) |
Share | Share the message to WeChat video channel | MSDKFriend.Share(); | WGSendToWXChannelShareVideo(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeWXChannelShareVideo(10011) |
Share | WeChat video channel livestreaming | MSDKFriend.Share(); | WGSendToWXChannelStartLive(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeWXChannelStartLive(10015) |
Share | Big picture sharing | To session MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); To WeChat Moment MSDKFriend::Share |
WGSendToWeixinWithPhoto(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeIMG(10002) |
Share | Link sharing | To session MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); To WeChat Moment MSDKFriend::Share |
WGSendToWeixinWithUrl(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeLink(10001) |
Share | Music sharing | To session MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); To WeChat Moment MSDKFriend::Share |
WGSendToWeixinWithMusic(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeMusic(10004) |
Group | The backend shares the message to a WeChat group | MSDKGroup::SendGroupMessage(); | WGSendToWXGroup(); | ||
Group | Create a group | MSDKGroup::CreateGroup(); | WGCreateWXGroup(); | ||
Group | Join a group | MSDKGroup::JoinGroup(); | WGJoinWXGroup(); | ||
Group | Get group state | MSDKGroup::GetGroupState(); | WGQueryWXGroupStatus(); | ||
Group | Unbind a WeChat group | MSDKGroup::UnbindGroup(); | WGUnbindWeiXinGroup(); | ||
Group | Get group relationship | MSDKGroup::GetGroupRelation() | WGQueryWXGroupInfo(); | V5 version This interface can only be used to query the relationship between the currently logged-in player and the target WeChat groupV3 version This interface can be used to query the relationship between multiple players and the target WeChat group |
Tools | WeChat DeepLink | MSDKTools:OpenDeepLink() | WGOpenWeiXinDeeplink(); | ||
Login | Authorized login | MSDKLogin::Login(); | WGLogin(); | ||
Login | Code-scanning login | MSDKLogin::Login(); | WGQrCodeLogin(); | In V5 version, {"QRCode":true} needs to be passed into extraJson |
Friend | Query personal information | MSDKLogin::QueryUserInfo(); | WGQueryQQMyInfo(); | ||
Friend | Query in-game friends' information | MSDK V5 version does not provide any client interface for querying in-game friends' information |
WGQueryQQGameFriendsInfo() | V5 does not provide any client interface, but the user can query such information directly through MSDK's backend interface /v2/friend/friend_list |
Friend | Add QQ friend | MSDKFriend::AddFriend(); | WGAddGameFriendToQQ(); | ||
Share | Structured sharing | MSDKFriend::SendMessage(); | WGSendToQQ(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeInvite(10003) |
Share | ark sharing | MSDKFriend::SendMessage(); | WGSendToQQWithArk(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeArk(10008) |
Share | miniApp sharing | MSDKFriend::SendMessage(); | WGSendToQQWithMiniApp(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeMiniApp(10006) |
Share | Video sharing | MSDKFriend::Share(); | WGSendToQQWithVideo(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeVideo(10005) |
Share | Share plain text to QZone | MSDKFriend::Share(); | WGSendToQQWithText(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeText(10000) |
Share | Big picture sharing | To session MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); To QZone MSDKFriend::Share(); |
WGSendToQQWithPhoto(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeIMG(10002) |
Share | Music sharing | To session MSDKFriend.SendMessage(); To QZone MSDKFriend::Share(); |
WGSendToWeixinWithMusic(); | The message type of V5 is kMSDKFriendReqTypeMusic(10004) |
Share | RichGraph sharing | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface |
WGSendToQQWithRichPhoto(); | ||
Share | Initiate QQ miniApp | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
WGLaunchQQMiniApp(); | ||
Share | QQ Small World Share | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
WGSendToQQWithCommonShare(); | ||
Group | Create a group | MSDKGroup::CreateGroup(); | WGCreateQQGroupV2(); | ||
Group | Join a group | MSDKGroup::JoinGroup(); | WGJoinQQGroupV2(); | ||
Group | Query QQ group relations | MSDKGroup::GetGroupRelation(); | WGQueryQQGroupInfoV2(); | ||
Group | Unbind QQ group | MSDKGroup::UnbindGroup(); | WGUnbindQQGroupV2(); | ||
Group | Bind existing QQ groups | MSDKGroup::BindGroup(); | WGBindExistQQGroupV2(); | ||
Group | Get the information of the bound QQ group | MSDKGroup::GetGroupState(); | WGGetQQGroupCodeV2(); | ||
Group | Remind the union president to bind a group | MSDKGroup::RemindToBindGroup(); | WGRemindGuildLeaderV2(); | ||
Group | Get the list of groups created by the union president | MSDKGroup::GetGroupList(); | WGGetQQGroupListV2(); | ||
Group | Query the group-bound union | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
WGQueryBindGuildV2(); | ||
TPNS | Push | Add local push | MSDKPush::AddLocalNotification() | WGAddLocalNotification(); | |
TPNS | Push | Add local frontend push | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
WGAddLocalNotificationAtFront() | |
TPNS | Push | Clear all local pushes | MSDKPush::ClearLocalNotifications() | WGClearLocalNotifications(); | |
TPNS | Push | Clear ineffective local push | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
WGClearLocalNotification() | V3 shows that a corresponding ineffective push can be deleted according to the previously added "userInfo" information pushed locally. V5 has no corresponding function |
TPNS | Push | Registration tag push | MSDKPush::SetTag() | WGSetPushTag(); | |
TPNS | Push | Delete a tag | MSDKPush::DeleteTag() | WGDeletePushTag(); | |
TPNS | Push | Account binding | MSDKPush::SetAccount() | WGSetPushAccount(); | |
TPNS | Push | Unbind an account | MSDKPush::DeleteAccount() | WGDeletePushAccount(); | |
TPNS | Push | Unregister | MSDKPush::UnregisterPush() | WGUnregisterPush(); | |
Beacon | Event reporting | Customized data reporting | MSDKReport::ReportEvent() | WGReportEvent(); | |
Bugly | Exception reporting | Report adding an additional log callback | OnCrashExtraMessageNotify() | OnCrashExtMessageNotify() | |
Bugly | Exception reporting | Report Lua/C #/JS script errors | MSDKCash::ReportException() | WGReportException(); | |
Bugly | Exception reporting | Bugly's customized log reporting | MSDKCash::LogInfo() | WGBuglyLog(); | |
Bugly | Exception reporting | Dynamically close Bugly reporting | MSDKCash::CloseCrashReport(); | WGCloseCrashReport(); | |
Guest | Login | Guest login | MSDKLogin::Login(); | WGLogin(); | |
Guest | Login | Reset guest | MSDKLogin::ResetGuest(); | WGResetGuestID(); | |
- | Login | Auto login | MSDKLogin::AutoLogin(); | WGLogin(); | When V3 is invoked, automatic login can be achieved by passing in ePlatform_None |
- | Login | Get token | MSDKLogin::GetLoginRet(); | WGGetLoginRecord(); | |
- | Login | Switch the account in case of account inconsistency | MSDKLogin.SwitchUser(); | WGSwitchUser(bool flag); | |
- | Login | Logout | MSDKLogin::Logout(); | WGLogout(); | |
- | Login | Bind | MSDKLogin::Bind(); | None |
- | Login | Detect Universal Link | MSDKLogin::CheckUniversalLink("WeChat") | WGCheckWXUniversalL(); | Currently, only WeChat channel is supported. V5 interfaces need to pass parameters to WeChat fixedly. V3 interfaces do not need to transfer parameters. This function is only used for the test environment for testing. The release environment cannot use this function. |
- | Notice | Get notice data | MSDKNotice::LoadNoticeData() | WGGetNoticeData(); | V3 version In case of acquiring the notice data, the client automatically polls the backend to draw the notice data, and then invokes the relevant interfaces to obtain the notice data locally V5 version In case of acquiring the notice data, the client sends a request to the MSDK backend actively, and the MSDK backend sends the notice date to the client after matching the parameter data |
- | Notice | Hide the scrolling notice | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
WGHideScrollNotice(); | |
- | WebView | Open Webview | MSDKWebView::OpenUrl(); | WGOpenUrl(); | |
- | WebView | Get the encrypted token | MSDKWebView::GetEncodeUrl(); | WGGetEncodeUrl(); | |
- | WebView | Open the embedded Webview page | MSDKWebView::OpenUrl(); | WGOpenEmbeddedWebView(); | When the V5 interface is invoked, it is needed to pass extraJson = "{\"isEmbedWebView\":true}"; and other configuration information in the openUrl interface parameter |
- | WebView | Open the Webview page in the form of data | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
WGOpenEmbeddedWebView(); | |
- | WebView | Close the Webview page in the game window | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGCloseEmbeddedWebView(); | |
- | WebView | Send information to the page js in the game | MSDKWebView::CallJS(); | WGCallToEmbeddedWebView(); | |
- | WebView | Set the background image of WebView | MSDKWebView::OpenUrl(); | WGSetEmbeddedWebViewBackground(); | When the V5 interface is invoked, it is needed to pass extraJson = "{\"isEmbedWebView\":true, \"bgPath\":"xxxxxx"}"; and other configuration information in the openUrl interface parameter, where bgPath is the background image link for setting Webview |
- | WebView | Open AMS marketing event center | MSDKWebView::OpenAmsCenter | WGOpenAmsCenter(); | |
- | LBS | Get the player's location information | MSDKLBS::GetLocation(); | WGGetLocationInfo(); | |
- | LBS | Get nearby persons | MSDKLBS:: GetNearby() | WGGetNearbyPersonInfo(); | |
- | LBS | Clear the location information | MSDKLBS::ClearLocation(); | WGCleanLocation(); | |
- | LBS | Obtain the country information according to the IP address | MSDKLBS::GetIPInfo(); | WGGetCountryFromIP(); | |
- | Tools | Judge whether App is installed | MSDKTools::IsAppInstall(); | WGIsPlatformInstalled(); | The V3 interface can only be used to determine whether WeChat and QQ clients are installed; The V5 interface can determine whether multiple platform clients are installed |
- | Tools | Get the versions of QQ and WeChat | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGGetPlatformAPPVersion(); | IOS can't get the App version of QQ and WeChat |
- | Tools | Check whether the interface is supported | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGCheckApiSupport(); | |
- | Tools | Get installation channel number | MSDKTools::GetConfigChannel(); | WGGetChannelId(); | In the V3 version, when the iOS-side invokes this interface, the system will return 1001; default channel number: 73213123In the V5 version, the iOS-side does not provide this interface, and the business needs to fix the return result as 1001; default channel number: 00000000 |
- | Tools | Get registration channel number | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGGetRegisterChannelId(); | At this stage, the app accessing MSDK V5 obtains the registration channel number through the regChannelDis field in MSDKLoginRet |
- | Tools | Get MSDK Version | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGGetVersion(); | |
- | Tools | User feedback | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGFeedback(); | |
- | Prajna | Open the central control website | MSDKTools::OpenPrajnaWebView(); | WGOpenFullScreenWebViewWithJson(); | |
- | Prajna | Prajna reporting | MSDKTools::ReportPrajna(); | WGReportPrajna(); | |
- | Traffic-saving SDK update | Check whether My App Center is installed | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGCheckYYBInstalled(); | |
- | Traffic-saving SDK update | Query whether the current application has been updated | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGCheckNeedUpdate(); | |
- | Traffic-saving SDK update | Start to update the traffic-saving SDK | MSDKV5 does not provide this interface temporarily |
WGStartSaveUpdate(); |
Backend interfaces
Channel name | Module | Interface name | V5 interface | V3 interface | Remarks |
Login | QQ authentication | /v2/auth/verify_login | /auth/verify_login | ||
Login | PC-side QQ authentication | /v2/auth/verify_login | /pclogin/qq_check_ctk | V5 version In case of PC SDK authorization, it is needed to add "client_os":5 in the json body; the type of the token obtained by PC Web authorization is the same as that of the token obtained by mobile game authorization, and no additional processing is required |
Login | Get pf and pfkey | /v2/auth/get_pfval | /auth/get_pfval | ||
Relationship | User information | /v2/profile/userinfo | /relation/qqprofile | ||
Relationship | in-game friends | /v2/friend/friend_list | /relation/qqfriends_detail | ||
Relationship | Friend information (do not register the application) | /v2/friend/recall_friends_list | /relation/qq_unreg_friends | For games that are not connected to the interface, the application for access to it is suspended; for games that have been connected to the interface, the interface will return an empty data like "No recommended friends" in the game |
Relationship | Friend information | The backend interface is not provided |
/relation/qqstrange_profile | 1. This interface is currently only available for games that have developed functions such as "Nearby persons" 2. It is needed to obtain the openid list of in-game friends on the client before this interface can be invoked |
Relationship | Get VIP information | /v2/profile/query_qq_vip | /profile/query_vip | ||
Relationship | Blue diamond gift bag | The backend interface is not provided |
/profile/get_gift | ||
Relationship | wifi qualification | The backend interface is not provided |
/profile/get_wifi | ||
Personal information | Member information | /v2/profile/query_qq_friends_vip | /relation/qqfriends_vip | V3 Friends and non-friends are all supported V5 only supports querying friends' member information |
Personal information | Member's details | /v2/profile/query_qq_vip_richinfo | /relation/get_vip_rich_info | ||
Personal information | Get the first login ID of the player after real-name registration | The backend interface is not provided |
/profile/qqget_first_reg | ||
Personal information | Get Tencent Video members' information | The backend interface is not provided |
/profile/qqget_video_vip | ||
Personal information | Get Xinyue Super R player's member logo | /v2/profile/query_xinyue_super | /profile/get_xinyue_super | ||
Personal information | Get Xinyue WeChat platform player's member logo | /v2/profile/query_wx_xinyue_vip | /profile/get_wx_xinyue_vip | ||
Group | Union-bound group | /v2/group/create_bind_group | /relation/createbind_groupv2 | ||
Group | Query group relations | /v2/group/get_group_rela_info | /relation/get_groupinfov2 | ||
Group | Join a group | /v2/group/join_group | /relation/join_groupv2 | ||
Group | Unbind QQ group | /v2/group/unbind_group | /relation/unlink_groupv2 | ||
Group | Interface for drawing QQ group list | /v2/group/get_group_list | /relation/get_group_listv2 | ||
Group | Interface for binding the created QQ group | /v2/group/bind_existing_group | /relation/bind_existing_groupv2 | ||
Group | Interface for reminding the union president to bind a group | /v2/group/remind_leader_bind | /relation/query_bind_unionv2 | ||
Group | Draw group information | /v2/group/get_group_info | /relation/get_groupcode | ||
Group | Query group-bound unions | MSDK V5 does not provide this interface yet |
/relation/query_bind_unionv2 | ||
Group | Send group messages | v2/group/send_group_msg | /relation/send_groupmsg | Any app which invokes this interface needs to apply for permission in QQ and configure the callback address. If the app does not apply for permission, the system will return {"is_lost":0,"msg":"invalid appid","ret":-2} when the app invokes this interface |
Achievement | Achievement reporting | /v2/acvm/report | /profile/qqscore_batch | ||
Share | Backend sharing | /v2/friend/share | /share/qq | The platform no longer allows games to access this interface | |
Share | Ark backend sharing | /v2/friend/ark_share | /share/qqark | ||
Guest | Login | Guest authentication | /v2/auth/verify_login | /auth/guest_check_token | |
Apple | Login | Apple authentication | /v2/auth/verify_login | /auth/apple_verify | |
Login | WeChat authentication | /v2/auth/verify_login | /auth/check_token | ||
Login | PC-side WeChat authentication | /v2/auth/verify_login | /pclogin/wx_check_ctk | V5 version In case of PC SDK authorization, it is needed to add "client_os":5 in the json body; the type of the token obtained by PC Web authorization is the same as that of the token obtained by mobile game authorization, and no additional processing is required |
Relationship | In-game friends information | /v2/friend/friend_list | /relation/wxprofile | ||
Relationship | Friend's openid | The backend interface is not provided |
/relation/wxfriends | ||
Personal information | Personal information | /v2/profile/userinfo | /relation/wxuserinfo | ||
Personal information | Get the privilege | The backend interface is not provided |
/profile/wxget_vip | ||
Personal information | Get the first login ID of the player after real-name registration | The backend interface is not provided |
/profile/wxget_first_reg | ||
Personal information | Get Tencent Video members' information | The backend interface is not provided |
/profile/wxget_video_vip | ||
Group | Query the group member's information | /v2/group/get_group_rela_info | /relation/wxget_groupinfo | ||
Group | Unbind QQ group | /v2/group/unbind_group | /relation/wxunlink_group | ||
Group | Query group state | /v2/group/get_group_info | /relation/wxget_groupstatus | ||
Group | Send group messages | /v2/group/send_group_msg | /relation/wxsend_groupmsg | ||
Achievement | Achievement reporting | /v2/acvm/report | /profile/wxbattle_report | ||
Message subscription | Message subscription | /v2/profile/subscribe_getlist | /profile/subscribe_getlist | ||
Message subscription | Batch subscription | /v2/profile/subscribe_setlist | /profile/subscribe_setlist | ||
Message subscription | Subscription push | /v2/profile/subscribe_push | /profile/subscribe_push | ||
Message subscription | Subscription clearing | /v2/profile/subscribe_clear | /profile/subscribe_clear | ||
Elite query | Elite query | /v2/profile/get_eliteinfo | /profile/wxget_eliteinfo | ||
- | Data-free | Query the data-free information | /v2/freeflow/isfree | /freeflow/getinfo | |
- | Data-free | Query IP information | The backend interface is not provided |
/freeflow/get_ccinfo |
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