03/14/2025 11:12:20

Login module development

I. Plugin development

MSDK's login function provides a convenient login method for games. Players can use a third-party channel's account to log into a game.

1.1 Login status caching

Under normal circumstances, the MSDK client and the third-party channel SDK both cache the data of the previous login status to reduce operations such as launching app popups and user confirmation and entering account passwords. However, this logic may also bring other side effects, as shown in the following two application scenarios:

  1. The user wants to switch a login account

    In general, if the user encounters such a scenario, the problem can be solved by setting the Logout interface in the UI

    [info] Suggestions Due to the differences in the implementation of channels, it is recommended to perform targeted testing on the channels

  2. When the user changes the password on the channel App, the data is not cached synchronically this time.

    Generally, this can lead to hacking. After the user changes the password, if the channel SDK does not bind the local cache validity, hackers can still log in the channel.

    [info] Suggestions Add the corresponding logic and then test it

1.2 Automatic login

Under normal circumstances, MSDK's automatic login logic does not call plug-ins. MSDK will verify whether the local login status is valid. If it is valid, MSDK client will directly send a request to the backend to verify it. After the verification is passed, automatic login will be allowed.

Some special channels require some logical processing during automatic login, otherwise some functions may fail. Therefore, MSDK provides a capability which allows automatic login to call plugins. The channel login needs to implement the AutoLoginInterface interface and implement the autoLogin method.

II. Client Plugin Development

2.1 Android Platform

2.1.1 Class implementation rules

  • Package naming rule: fixed as com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.login
  • Class naming rule: channel + Login, such as:GarenaLogin
  • Must implement LoginInterface interface:
    • login function is used to implement the channel login function
    • logout function is used to implement the channel logout function
  • Optionally implement the 'AutoLoginInterface' interface:
    • autoLogin function is used to support some channels to call relevant plugins in case of autoLogin
  • Must implement a public CLASSNAME (String seqID) constructor, which is usually used for function initialization

2.1.2 Description of callback fields

As for the description of the callback function, please refer to Client Plugin Development Rules

  • observerID callback function ID
    • MSDKObserverID.MSDK_LOGIN_OBSERVER_LOGIN_RET is used for direct return when login or automatic login fails
    • MSDKObserverID.MSDK_LOGIN_OBSERVER_LOGIN_PLUGIN is used to notify the game of the data when login or automatic login is successful. The current process continues running
    • MSDKObserverID.MSDK_LOGIN_OBSERVER_LOGOUT_PLUGIN is used to notify that the current process continues running in case of logout.
  • ret return struct must be a subclass of MSDKRet
    • In the login or automatic login method, the return result is MSDKLoginRet. If a plugin needs to pass its self-defined data, it needs to be placed in the MSDKLoginRet.pluginData struct, where its type is a JSON string
    • In the logout method, the return result is MSDKRet
  • methodNameIDis the function ID defined by MSDK and is used to define callback methods. It is recommended to uniformly useMSDKBaseParams.methodID

2.1.3 LoginInterface interface

  • Login function

    Call the channel login interface and return the necessary channel login authentication data required for login authentication

  • Logout function

    Call the logout function of the channel and return "success" or "failure".

2.1.4 AutoLoginInterface interface

  • autoLogin function

    The automatic login interface is used to support some channels to call relevant plugins in case of autoLogin if needed

2.1.5 Code example

package com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.login;    

public class GarenaLogin implements LoginInterface, AutoLoginInterface {    
    public GarenaLogin(String seqID) {    
        MSDKLog.d("[ " + seqID + "]  Garena Login initialize start ");    
        // TODO  Initialize the Garena environment    

    public void login(final MSDKLoginParams params) {    
        // TODO Garena login logic    

        // When MSDK data is returned, channel and channelID must be returned. Their definition must be consistent with that in the MSDK backend. They are generally applied and confirmed at the time of access to the corresponding channel    
        MSDKLoginPluginInfo pluginResult = new MSDKLoginPluginInfo(params.methodId);    
        pluginResult.channel = GarenaConst.Channel.CHANNEL;    
        pluginResult.channelID = GarenaConst.Channel.CHANNEL_ID;    

        // channelOpenID is the channel user ID. If it can be obtained, please try to assign a value to it    
        pluginResult.channelOpenID = (session == null ? "" : session.getOpenId());    

        // The returns data assembly struct, in JSON format. These data can be added by following the channel characteristics and backend requirements    
        try {    
            JSONObject params = new JSONObject();    
            params.put("uid", session.getOpenId());    
            params.put("token", session.getTokenValue().getAuthToken());    
            params.put("channel", session.getSessionProvider().getValue());    
            if (session.getSessionProvider() == GGLoginSession.SessionProvider.FACEBOOK) {    
                params.put("facebook_token", GGPlatform.GGGetFacebookAccessToken());    
            // Key steps to assign values    
            pluginResult.pluginData = params.toString();    
        } catch (JSONException e) {    
            // TODO  Here, 'catch' is to ensure robustness. The game can also handle exceptions as needed    
            MSDKLog.e("[ " + params.seqID + " ] catch exception : " + e.getMessage());    

        MSDKLog.d("[ " + params.seqID + " ] pluginResult = " + pluginResult.toString());    

        // Send the data to MSDK server    
        IT.onPluginRetCallback(MSDKObserverID.MSDK_LOGIN_OBSERVER_LOGIN_PLUGIN, pluginResult, params.seqID);    

    public void autoLogin(MSDKLoginParams params) {    
        // TODO  Determine if there is currently Garena login status    

        // TODO  Call Garena's automatic login logic    

        // TODO  Refer to the login method to call back the automatic login data    

    public void logout(MSDKBaseParams params) {    
        // Garena logout logic    
        MSDKLog.d("[ " + params.seqID + " ] logout success" );    
        // Directly return successfully    
                                new MSDKRet(MSDKMethodNameID.MSDK_METHOD_LOGOUT, MSDKErrorCode.SUCCESS),    

[info] For details, please refer to Demo Code

2.2 iOS Platform

2.2.1 Class implementation rules

  • Naming rules: Fixed as MSDKLogin + channel, such as:MSDKLoginGarena
  • Must implement the MSDKLoginDelegate protocol
  • Must implement the singleton module. It is recommended to use the SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_FOR_CLASS_HEADER +SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_FOR_CLASS_HEADER macro processing

2.2.2 Description of callback fields

As for the description of the callback function, please refer to Client Plugin Development Rules

  • observerID callback function ID
    • kObserverIDLoginRet is used for direct return when login or automatic login fails
    • kObserverIDLoginPlugin is used to notify the game of the data when login or automatic login is successful. The current process continues running
    • kObserverIDLogoutPlugin is used to notify that the current process continues running in case of logout.
  • ret return struct
    • In the login or automatic login method, the return result is InnerLoginPluginRet. If a plugin needs to pass its self-defined data, it needs to be placed in the InnerLoginPluginRet.pluginData struct, where its type is a JSON string
    • In the logout method, the return result is InnerBaseRet
  • methodNameIDis the function ID defined by MSDK and is used to define callback methods. It is recommended to uniformly use MSDKBaseParams.methodID

2.2.3 MSDKLoginDelegate protocol

  • Description of Login function

    The Login function calls the channel login interface and returns the necessary channel login authentication data required for login authentication

    Function prototype:

      - (void)login:(const MSDKLoginParams &)params;
  • [Optional implementation] autoLogin function description

    The automatic login interface is used to support some channels to call relevant plugins in case of autoLogin if needed

    Function prototype:

      - (void)autoLogin:(const MSDKLoginParams &)params;
  • Description of Logout function

    The Logout function calls the channel's logout function and returns "success" or "failure".

    Function prototype:

      - (void)logout:(const MSDKBaseParams &)params;
  • [Optional implementation] Description of the channel installation judgment function

    Function prototype:

      - (BOOL)isChannelInstall;

    Used to determine whether the channel is installed. If the channel has an interface or scheme to implement this logic, it is needed to implement it

  • [Optional implementation] Description of the QR code scan login function or interface

    Function prototype:

      - (void)qrCodeLogin:(const MSDKLoginParams &)params info:(const MSDKQRCodeInfo &)qrinfo;

    Currently applied to WeChat QR code scan login. Common channels do not need to implement it

  • [Optional implementation] Description of the interface of checking if a channel supports the function of automatically refreshing the channel token

    Function prototype:

      - (BOOL)checkAutoRefresh;

    It is used to determine whether a channel supports the automatic refresh of the channel token. Common channels do not have an automatic token refresh mechanism, so it is generally not necessary to implement it.

2.2.4 Code example

- (void)login:(const MSDKLoginParams &)params {    
    // TODO Garena login logic    

    // Garena login return data processing    
    InnerLoginPluginRet ret;    
    ret.methodNameID = params.methodID;    

    //  When MSDK data is returned, channel and channelID must be returned. Their definition must be consistent with that in the MSDK backend. They are generally applied and confirmed at the time of access to the corresponding channel    
    ret.channelID = GARENA_CHANNEL_ID;    
    ret.channel = GARENA_CHANNEL;    

    // channelOpenID is the channel user ID. If it can be obtained, please try to assign a value to it    
    ret.channelOpenID = loginRet.openID;    

    // The returns data assembly struct, in JSON format. These data can be added by following the channel characteristics and backend requirements    
    MSDKJsonWriter jsonWriter;    
    jsonWriter.convert("uid", loginRet.openID);    

    // Garena Token processing, including two types of Token: Login Token and Refresh Token    
    for (int i=0; i<loginRet.token.size(); i++) {    
        GG::TokenRet* pToken = &loginRet.token[i];    
        if (pToken->type == GG::eToken_BT_Access) {    
            jsonWriter.convert("token", pToken->value);    
        } else {    
            jsonWriter.convert("refresh_token", pToken->value);    

    jsonWriter.convert("platform", loginRet.platform);    

    if(loginRet.platform == GG::ePlatform_FB) {    
        jsonWriter.convert("facebook_token", GG::GGPlatform::GetInstance()->GGGetFacebookAccessToken().c_str() ? : "");    

    ret.pluginData = jsonWriter.GetJsonString().c_str();    
    LOG_DEBUG("[ %s ] plugin data %s", params.seqID.c_str(), ret.pluginData.c_str());    

    // Send the data to MSDK server    
    MSDKInnerObserverHolder<InnerLoginPluginRet>::CommitToTaskQueue(ret, kObserverIDLoginPlugin, params.seqID);    

- (void)autoLogin:(const MSDKLoginParams &)params {    
    // TODO Determine if there is currently Garena login status    

    // TODO  Call Garena's automatic login logic    

    // TODO Refer to the login method to call back the automatic login data    

- (void)logout:(const MSDKBaseParams &)params {    
    bool success = GG::GGPlatform::GetInstance()->GGGetLogout();    
    InnerBaseRet innerRet = InnerBaseRet(MSDKError::SUCCESS);    
    if (!success) {    
        innerRet = InnerBaseRet(MSDKError::THIRD_ERROR);    
        innerRet.thirdCode = MSDKError::NO_ASSIGN;    
        innerRet.thirdMsg = "GGGetLogout return false";    
    MSDKInnerObserverHolder<InnerBaseRet>::CommitToTaskQueue(innerRet, kObserverIDLogoutPlugin, params.seqID);    

[info] For details, please refer to Demo Code

III. Plugin server development

For the login process, the game needs to implement the following server interfaces:

  • Login interface, which is one of the client login's core interfaces and is used for user login implementation and channel data return
  • [Optional] Login verification interface, which is one of the client login's core interfaces and is used to verify the validity of the token returned by the login interface
  • [Optional] Personal information interface, which mainly provides the basic information query capabilities for the user

Domestic and overseas games need to make choices when accessing the MSDK platform

3.1 Login interface

3.1.1 Interface name

Interface name (/auth/login/ can be configured in the management console)

3.1.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description Optional or required
appid string App ID Required
channel_info json Value of the channel_info field in the client's input parameters Required

3.1.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description Optional or required
ret uint Return code, 0-success, other-failure Required
msg string Detailed description of the return result Required
uid string Third-party channel's user identifier Required
token string third-party channel's token Required
expires_in uint How many seconds are left before the third-party channel token expires, in seconds Required
gender uint Gender, 0-Undefined, 1-Male, 2-Female Optional
birthdate string Date of birth, format "YYYY-MM-DD" Optional
user_name string The user's nickname Optional
picture_url string Avatar address Optional
extraJson json Additional information Optional

3.1.4 Request example

  1. Request

     POST /auth/login/?channelid=101&gameid=10&os=1&sig=0764cfef18e9b877b1805ede000eda38 HTTP/1.1    
     Host: openplatformtest.com    
     Content-Type: application/json    
     Content-Length: 308    
         "appid": "xxxxx",    
         "channel_info": {    
             "access_token": "EAAGBC9HZB9l4BAEWkk4T3b4d2gZCTrQVFmmtPZA6SoH4VCPO0XKkce47LUaOMMdzuo6q7JWM2RDLjyT1nehQWTTLcwyjyvKxy2AeNzPRTkI9dpBz78s5KOYf8omVMfMzrykdKcnQSYuRJ0zaCyaHJ1ZCeOg5HBnc8XnHwYk5EUp9htCFXw7RbTBVNU0rGxAkurqnnMLZC92N5gTbYF4NOUMZBd2iJDa7dmE6RNOb3gPAZDZD"    
  2. Response

         "ret": 0,    
         "msg": "success",    
         "uid": "openplatformtestloginuid",    
         "token": "openplatformtestlogintokentest",    
         "expires_in": 5184000,    
         "user_name": "tamywang",    
         "gender": 1,    
         "birthdate": "1999-09-09",    
         "picture_url": "http://exmaple.com/example.jpg",    
         "extraJson": {    
             "example": "self defined login extra info"    

3.2 Login verification interface

3.2.1 Interface name

Interface name (/auth/verify_login/ can be configured in the management console)

3.2.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description Optional or required
appid string App ID Required
uid string Third-party channel's user identifier Required
token string third-party channel's token Required
extraJson json Additional information Optional

3.2.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description Optional or required
ret uint Return code, 0-success, other-failure Required
msg string Detailed description of the return result Required

3.2.4 Request example

  1. Request

     POST /auth/verify_login/?channelid=101&gameid=10&os=1&sig=6e2cf8d1e6f560f9eecffc18251a544e HTTP/1.1    
     Host: openplatformtest.com    
     Content-Type: application/json    
     Content-Length: 142    
         "appid": "xxxxx",    
         "uid": "openplatformtestloginuid",    
         "token": "openplatformtestlogintokentest",    
         "extraJson": {    
             "example": "example"    
  2. Response

         "ret": 0,    
         "msg": "success"    

3.3 Personal information interface

3.3.1 Interface name

Interface name (/profile/userinfo/ can be configured in the management console)

3.3.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description Optional or required
appid string App ID Required
uid string Third-party channel's user identifier Required
token string third-party channel's token Required
extraJson json Additional information Optional

3.3.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description Optional or required
ret uint Return code, 0-success, other-failure Required
msg string Detailed description of the return result Required
gender uint Gender, 0-Undefined, 1-Male, 2-Female Optional
birthdate string Date of birth, format "YYYY-MM-DD" Optional
user_name string The user's nickname Required
picture_url string Avatar address Required
extraJson json Additional information Optional

3.3.4 Request example

  1. Request

     POST /profile/userinfo/?channelid=101&gameid=10&os=1&sig=5b4ad2242a4cb680dc373aae5ba5e7e7 HTTP/1.1    
     Host: openplatformtest.com    
     Content-Type: application/json    
     Content-Length: 142    
         "appid": "xxxxx",    
         "uid": "openplatformtestloginuid",    
         "token": "openplatformtestlogintokentest",    
         "extraJson": {    
             "example": "example"    
  2. Response

         "ret": 0,    
         "msg": "success",    
         "user_name": "tamywang",    
         "gender": 1,    
         "birthdate": "1999-09-09",    
         "picture_url": "http://exmaple.com/example.jpg",    
         "extraJson": {    
             "example": "login extra info"    

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